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Macdermol® Deep Lines

Treat the signs of aging, embrace timeless beauty

MACDERMOL® FINE LINES is indicated for patients who want to correct superficial facial skin depressions such as crow's feet and perioral lines.

MACDERMOL® FINE LINES is a dermal filler manufactured with a hyaluronic acid (HA) with the highest level of purity available in the industry today and with a safe and effective cross-linking system.

MACDERMOL® FINES LINES acts by increasing the synthesis of new HA and collagen. This makes it possible to create a volume that immediately and durably corrects the skin depression.

MACDERMOL® FINE LINES is cross-linked through a proprietary technology providing a resistance to enzymatic, oxidative, thermal and mechanical degradations while keeping the natural properties of the HA.


Protected from structural damages thanks to an optimized sterilization process, the HA in MACDERMOL® FINE LINES has an optimal average size in terms of beneficial effects on the extracellular matrix. 

Clinical data indicate that MACDERMOL® FINE LINES has a lower rate of adverse events in comparison with other competitors.

Macdermol Fine Lines


••• COMPOSITION:    Non-animal Hyaluronic acid    

••• HA CONCENTRATION:    20 mg/ml

••• HA MOLECULAR WEIGHT: Between 3 and 4 millions Dalton.                    

••• CROSS-LINKING:    X-Click Technology + BDDE  ●●  

••• INDICATION:   Corrects fine lines and superficial wrinkles.

••• ADMINISTRATION:  Linear threading technique into the mid dermis.


••• DURATION OF EFFECT:    6 months on average ¹

••• PACKAGING:     1ml prefilled syringe    

••• SECONDARY PACKAGING: Sterilised medical grade blister in carton box    

••• STORAGE:    Between +2°C and +25°C    

••• SHELF LIFE:    3 years   

¹ Average duration depending on several factors such as patient's skin quality, patient's lifestyle, injection technique of the practitioner, and volume injected.

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